Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s richest businessman, recently added a new vehicle to his impressive car collection. He purchased a brand-new Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard luxury sedan. This car is not just any ordinary luxury vehicle. It’s a ‘bomb-proof’ car, designed with safety and security in mind.
Ambani has been known to travel in a Mercedes-Benz S600 bulletproof sedan for quite some time. However, he decided to upgrade to the Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard. This new car may look like any other Mercedes-Benz S-Class from the outside, but it’s almost 2 tonnes heavier.
The car features a special integrated shell and bullet and blast-proof multi-layered glass. It also comes with reinforced tires that can run up to 80 km/h. These features make it one of the safest cars in India.
In addition to this new purchase, the Ambani family has a collection of cars from across the world. Not many know that their 27-floor home, Antilia, has one floor exclusively reserved for their swanky cars.
This new purchase by Mukesh Ambani is a testament to his love for cars and his commitment to safety. It’s not just about luxury, but also about ensuring the highest level of security.
Investing in a car like the Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard can be seen as a good value from several perspectives:
- Exclusivity and Rarity: The Mercedes-Benz S680 Guard is a highly exclusive and rare vehicle. Its production is limited, and it takes 51 days to be assembled. This exclusivity and rarity can potentially increase its value over time.
- Advanced Technology: The car is packed with advanced technology and features. It’s not just a luxury vehicle, but also a ‘bomb-proof’ car designed with safety and security in mind. These advanced features could make it more desirable and valuable.
- Preservation of Wealth: High-end luxury cars like the S680 Guard often serve as a way to preserve wealth. While they may depreciate initially, classic and rare models can appreciate in value over time.
- Brand Value: Mercedes-Benz is a well-established and respected brand in the automobile industry. Cars from such brands tend to hold their value well.
- V12 Engine: The S680 Guard uses a 6.0-liter V12 engine, which is becoming increasingly rare in the automotive industry. This could add to its future collectible value.