Indian business tycoon Pankaj Oswal and his wife Radhika have recently made a significant addition to their real estate portfolio. The couple has purchased ‘Villa Vari,’ a luxurious mansion located in the picturesque Swiss village of Gingins. This property, which was previously owned by Greek businesswoman and heiress Christina Onassis, is now valued at a staggering $200 million, placing it among the world’s top 10 most expensive houses.
Under the Oswals’ ownership, Villa Vari has undergone a lavish makeover. The couple brought in renowned interior designer Jeffrey Wilkes to transform the mansion. Wilkes, known for his work with iconic establishments like Oberoi Rajvilas, Oberoi Udaivilas, Mandarin Oriental, and Leela Hotels, has given the mansion a new lease of life, turning it into a countryside retreat that perfectly blends luxury with comfort.
The purchase of Villa Vari is a testament to the Oswals’ exquisite taste and their penchant for luxury. It’s a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle of one of the world’s wealthiest couples.
Investing in real estate, such as the purchase of the Villa Vari by Pankaj and Radhika Oswal, can potentially yield good returns in several ways:
Appreciation: Over time, the value of real estate properties tends to increase or “appreciate”. If the Oswals decide to sell the villa in the future, they could potentially make a profit if the property’s value has increased.
Rental Income: If the Oswals choose to rent out the villa, they could generate a steady stream of income. This rental income could provide a return on their investment over time.
Diversification: Real estate can be a good way to diversify an investment portfolio. It can offer stability and has the potential for high returns.
According to the S&P 500 Index, the average annual return on investment for residential real estate in the United States is 10.6 percent. While the returns in Switzerland might be different, this gives a general idea of the potential returns from real estate investments.